FATE Trustees
I work as a Client Manager by day and FATE Trustee at every other possible moment! I firmly believe that the best way to make a long-term difference in a developing country is to provide its children with the tools to help themselves and those around them. This belief was enforced by my volunteering placement in 2006 at the Wema Centre in Mombasa, Kenya where I had the privilege to meet a truly inspirational group of people with a wonderful spirit for life.
In just a few short years I have already noticed a really positive change in the children we sponsor. They now have real plans for their own future and how they hope to help their own families which had felt like impossible dreams before.
With your help we can reach out to more and more children and really make a fantastic difference!
If you’d like to contact me, my email address is sarah.noor@fateuk.org – I look forward to hearing from you.
I have a marketing background and enjoy using these skills to help develop FATE. I have been involved with FATE since October 2007 and was first attracted by Sarah’s passion and belief in what she was trying to do. As I’ve become more involved, I’ve definitely caught her enthusiasm and now spend as much time as possible doing work for FATE.
Visiting Kenya for the first time in October 2008 and meeting the children that we sponsor, and the people at the Wema Centre, was an amazing experience for me and made me even more determined to make FATE a huge success. I believe we’re getting there and with your help, we can make such a difference!
If you’d like to contact me, my email address is sarah.nutbrown@fateuk.org – I look forward to hearing from you.
When I found out about Sarah Noor’s inspirational plan to set up an educational charity back in 2008, I was keen to take up the opportunity to sponsor a child. Over recent years it’s been amazing to follow her development at school, in terms of both academic progress and in building her personal confidence. I’ve also seen how Sarah Noor and Sarah Nutbrown have developed the charity into a credible and professional organisation in a short space of time.
I felt privileged to be asked to become FATE’s third trustee and hope that my background in procurement and project management will be a useful skill set to bring to the team.
If you’d like to contact me, my email address is sarah.rayner@fateuk.org – I look forward to hearing from you.
FATE, PO Box 4166, Bracknell, RG42 9JU, United Kingdom • e: mail@fateuk.org • t: +44 (0)7833 430458
Fund for Action Through Education is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1125401